GENERAL ANATOMY OF MUSCLE 1.Derivation of Name Muscle (Latin Mus= mouse) are so named because many of them resemble a mouse, with their tendons representing the tail. Definition •Muscle is a contractile tissue which brings about movements. •Muscles can be regarded as motors of the body. •Other contractile cells: Myofibroblasts - seen in regenerating connective tissue. Myoepitheliocytes - associated with glands. BASIC PROPERTIES • IRRITABILITY: – Sensitive to stimuli • CONTRACTILITY: – When stimulated, the contracts lengthwise leading to its shortening • EXTENSIBILITY: – Once stimuli removed, the muscle fibers return to their original length. • ELASTICITY: – Muscle assumes a desired shape. Types of muscles: There are three types of muscles : 1. Skeletal muscles 2. Smooth muscles 3. Card...