

GENERAL ANATOMY OF   MUSCLE 1.Derivation of Name  Muscle (Latin Mus= mouse) are so named because many of them resemble a mouse, with their tendons representing the tail. Definition •Muscle is a contractile tissue which brings about movements. •Muscles can be regarded as motors of the body. •Other contractile cells: Myofibroblasts - seen in regenerating connective tissue. Myoepitheliocytes - associated with glands. BASIC PROPERTIES • IRRITABILITY: –   Sensitive to stimuli • CONTRACTILITY: –   When stimulated, the contracts lengthwise   leading to its shortening • EXTENSIBILITY: –   Once stimuli removed, the muscle fibers   return to their original length. • ELASTICITY: –   Muscle assumes a desired shape. Types of muscles: There  are  three  types of muscles : 1. Skeletal muscles 2. Smooth muscles 3. Card...

Organization of Body & Basic Tissues

ORGANIZATION OF HUMAN BODY TISSUE Collection of similar cells with similar function is known as tissue.The tissue is studied with the help of microscope (Histology) Tissues are seen after staining and in laboratory routine stain is haemotoxylin and eosin ( H & E ). In this stain the cytoplasm is pink(acidophilic) and nucleus looks violet / blue (basophilic) TYPES OF BASIC TISSUES OF THE BODY 1. Epithelial tissue 2. Connective tissue 3. Muscular tissue 4. Nervous tissue 1. EPITHELIAL TISSUE / EPITHELIUM  Defination : It is one of the basic tissues of the human body which is composed of closely adherent / aggregated  cells with very little amount of extracellular / intercellular material . It is separated from other tissues by ba sal lamina TYPES OF EPITHELIUM A . MEMBRANOUS EPITHELIUM: It is generally known as surface epithelium. In this type the cells are arranged in such ...